Cumputer independent, cloud based systems that can customize for your requirements
ERP + Accounting for any kind of business. Startters to SME or fully customize for any type of big enterprises.
Students academic progress management system that Keeping students academic records for evaluate students are running on the academic schedule. SAMPS will notify you about each students regarding their academic progresses of the schedule.
The e-commerce platform that cover the every part of sale process via internet.
Hotel and restaurant management system with easy booking calendar
Courier Management System - Full ERP for courier service with Mobile application for courier agents, Customer portals, Multiple location management and Tracking feature.
Distribution / Agency management system. Mobile solutions, Multiple agency feature and many more.
Financial management system. Banking, Micro-Finance, Leasing or Hire purchase
Service jobs and sales system. Contract and ad-hoc jobs, COntract renewations, Job costing and many more features.
Automobile maintenance and accident repaire management system. That cover all process in gurages, service stations, tire centers and any type of service supply enterprises